Ivermectin Oral: Anti-Parasitic Tablets for Humans

Ivermectin: FAQs

When should Ivermectin (Stromectol) be used?

Ivermectin is destined to eliminate parasite infections. It can either be applied alone or in a combination with the other drugs. If you have tender, swollen skin and painful, red areas under the skin, get in touch with your physical practitioner. You are most likely suffering from scabies or other parasites.

What’s the difference between Ivermectin and Stromectol?

These are the same drugs. Ivermectin for humans and pets is a generic version of Stromectol. It’s made on the base of the same components. You can also find it under the following names: Kyostromectol, Green Algae, China Stromectol, and Sun Stromectol Granules

What are Ivermectin uses?

It’s an anthelmintic drug released in the form of tablets. The dosage depends on the weight of the patient. Ivermectin pills are effective for:

  • Onchocerciasis;
  • Pediculosis capitis;
  • Blepharitis;
  • Filariasis;
  • Scabies;
  • Gnathostomiasis.

What are the main active ingredients of Ivermectin?

The main components of the pills are butylated hydroxyanisole, citric acid powder, magnesium stearate, pregelatinized starch, and microcrystalline cellulose.

What are the effects of Ivermectin?

Severe itching, hives, and rashes are possible. The medicine can promote additional skin problems if you are allergic to some of the components. See your doctor and make sure that you are on the safe side.

Ivermectin and COVID-19: Does it help?

FDA does not approve it for COVID-19. It does not treat or prevent the disease. It’s the treatment for certain types of parasitic worms. It affects the skin and such conditions as rosacea and head lice (and many others, study the instruction first or consult with your doctor).

Does Ivermectin cause liver damage?

No, it doesn’t. It might cause minimum damage which will be automatically eliminated by the body. Liver injury and liver failure have never been associated with the intake of Ivermectin.

Do you have to take it long-term?

You can take a course once o year or twice a year. If you take it regularly for more than ten years, you’ll gain health benefits. The med will help you reduce trichuriasis infections.

Ivermectin (Stromectol Generic) Dosage for Humans

You shouldn’t eat for at least an hour before taking Ivermectin. The pill should be taken with eight ounces of water (which means a full glass of water). One tablet should be taken before you eat your breakfast, in the morning.

It’s highly important to take this drug following the directions of the doctor and with the instruction. If the infection is severe, your physician can advise you to take another course of Ivermectin in three or twelve months.

Your doctor can also prescribe cortisone drugs in a combination with Ivermectin if you experience severe river blindness symptoms. A corticosteroid will help to avoid infection and inflammation linked to the worms’ death in your body. It’s highly important not to ignore the intake of a corticosteroid drug together with Ivermectin and never miss a dose.

Dosages 3 and 6mg

Everything depends on the current condition of the patient. Your doctor will help you find out the right dosage for your condition. Further, we’re going to share general information about Ivermectin dosage, but you should understand that any treatment implies a personal approach, depending on the severity of the condition.

Not only the amount of the med you take daily, but the regularity makes a serious impact. You should strictly follow the time between the intake of the doses and never take the medication longer than the doctor prescribes.

Oral Intake for River Blindness

  • Teenagers and adults. Everything depends on the weight of the patient. The regular dosage is 150 micrograms of Ivermectin per kg. The doctor can prescribe the treatment for another three or twelve months.
  • Children. It also depends on the weight of the patient. Kids over 15kg and more usually take 150 micrograms of Ivermectin per kg, just like teenagers and adults. If the child weighs less than 15kg, your doctor is responsible for the regulation of the dosage.

Oral Intake for Strongyloidiasis

  • Teenagers and adults. The dosage is always determined by the general practitioner, but the regular dosage is 200 micrograms of Ivermectin per kg. Extra dosage is rarely required.
  • Children. Kids over 15kg and more usually take 200 micrograms of Ivermectin per kg. If the kid is less than 15 kg, your physical practitioner is the one who should regulate the intake of the drug.

Storage Rules

The medicine does not need any special storage conditions. Merely keep it in a closed container to protect it from excessive moisture or heat. Room temperature is enough — there’s no need in putting the med in the fridge or the freezer. Make sure your kids don’t have access to Ivermectin within your living space. If the med is outdated, throw it away and never take it to avoid threatening consequences.


You can buy Ivermectin for humans and pets. Ivermectin tablets are available in the majority of pharmacies, as well as a veterinary option for cats and dogs.

Ivermectin is available in the following forms:

  • Ivermectin 3mg in the form of tablets;
  • Topical lotion;
  • Ivermectin cream.

Ivermectin cost is acceptable. In addition to the brand products, there’s a wide range of cheaper generic options. Most online drugstores offer pills free of charge in addition to your regular order so that you could try and test them.

Before Taking Ivermectin (Stromectol)

  • Be frank with your doctor and never conceal any information concerning your allergic reactions;
  • Tell your doctor about the meds you are taking currently (even herbal supplements and vitamins should be mentioned);
  • Don’t forget to tell your doctor whether you take meds for mental illness or anxiety, sedatives, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, and sleeping pills;
  • Remember that your current medication course can seriously impact the dosage prescribed by the doctor;
  • Tell your medical practitioner whether you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant;
  • Find out whether you can take alcoholic beverages or not while using Ivermectin;
  • Accept the fact that you’ll have to experience some after-effects if your treating onchocerciasis, like lightheadedness, dizziness, and fainting.

You don’t have to follow a special diet while taking Ivermectin unless your doctor says you have to. A single dose of Ivermectin a day is usually enough. If you experience seizures or can’t breathe normally, you are probably experiencing an overdose. Call the emergency and don’t hesitate. An unpredictable rash, hive, headache, tingling in the feet and hands, pains in the stomach and shortness of breath can be emergency symptoms.

More Things to Know

  • Ivermectin and coronavirus. It’s not effective against coronavirus. FDA has not approved this medication for patients with COVID-19. It’s NOT an anti-viral medication.
  • Big doses of Ivermectin. It’s not a safe drug when taken in large doses. If you take it without the recommendation of the doctor, it can cause serious harm.
  • Ivermectin for cats and dogs and Ivermectin for humans. These are different medications, and you should never take the meds for the pets as human meds. It’s the same for pets. You can’t treat pets with regular human Ivermectin unless a vet says you should.

When Using Ivermectin Is Unsafe

Ivermectin is not suitable as a COVID-19 treatment. The research is still being held, but at present, you shouldn’t regard it as help for the current pandemic. If you experience COVID-19 symptoms, promptly see your doctor and don’t ignore the vaccination if recommended.

The worst thing is misinformation. If you feel like you need therapy against parasites, only a trained medical practitioner has the right to consult you. Remember that large doses of Ivermectin taken without a professional consultation are dangerous and even deathly.

If you’re taking blood-thinners, Ivermectin can become a real threat. Combining blood-thinners with Ivermectin can cause severe diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, low blood pressure, problems with balance, itching and hives, seizures, dizziness, and death. You need a proper medical consultation based on your recent medical check-up and analyses.

Ivermectin for Dogs & Ivermectin for Cats

Ivermectin for dogs and cats is also known as Heartgard and Ivomec. It helps in fighting gastrointestinal and skin parasites in cats and dogs. Parasites are not normal, but common for cats and dogs. Ivermectin fights the parasites through the bloodstream.

You have to help your pet get rid of the parasites because if you ignore this problem, it can result in problems with the stomach and the internal organs of your pets. Worms, mites, ticks, and fleas can be prevented with the regular use of Ivermectin for cats and dogs.

Ivermectin controls parasites in pets. The parasites disappear due to neurologic damage. If you ignore the illness, it can cause death to the pets. Heartworm prevention, as well as ear mites, are perfectly treated with Ivermectin for cats and dogs.

The veterinary versions of Ivermectin are Iverhart (Virbac), Ivomec (Merial), Heartgard (Merial), Eqvalan (Merial), and Zimectrin (Farnam). There’s a wide range of generic options, cheaper than the original drugs. You can order Ivermectin over the counter if you want to save on the prescription drugs for your pets.

Ivermectin for Humans & Ivermectin for Animals Are Different

Ivermectin for cats and dogs has a higher concentration. There are also options for cattle and horses. These animals weigh a lot more than humans. Doses for animals can be toxic and dangerous for humans.

Besides, Ivermectin for animals contains certain inactive ingredients safe for animals, but dangerous for people.

Side Effects

  • Blurred vision;
  • Problems with the stomach;
  • Drowsiness and dizziness;
  • Abdominal pains;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Edema;
  • Hyperthermia and fever;
  • Headache;
  • Hives;
  • Insomnia;
  • Severe itching;
  • Blood pressure changes;
  • Rashes;
  • Lack of energy;
  • Pains in the muscles and joints.

If you have onchocerciasis (which is also known as “river blindness”) you might experience the following side-effects:

  • Lymph nodes swelling;
  • Pains in the eyes and swelling in the area of the eyes;
  • General weakness in the body;
  • Problems with vision;
  • Rashes and itching;
  • Fever.

The following are rare Ivermectin side effects:

  • Pains in the back and joints;
  • Confusion;
  • Fast heartbeat;
  • Swelling in the limbs;
  • Seizures;
  • Faints.


  • NEVER take medicines for pets and animals. Pet and animal medications are not approved for the use of humans. They have specific labels, and every species of animal demands a certain medication type. Ivermectin for animals can seriously harm people.
  • Ivermectin should never be taken without a doctor’s recommendation. Only a licensed medical practitioner can prescribe you a med like this. Besides, make sure you buy Ivermectin for humans from a legitimate source.
  • You can’t use Ivermectin for COVID. It’s not effective for this illness. If you think you have COVID symptoms, promptly get in touch with the doctor or consult remotely.
  • NEVER give Ivermectin to animals unless you consult a vet. It’s a medication that can cause severe after-effects and other complications.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is intended solely for information purposes by the individual or entity, and is not to be considered as a diagnosis or an instruction for treatment without prior consultation by a specialist. Usage of this article as treatment method is prohibited, the website is not responsible for practical application of these data. Always consult a specialist before treatment.