Despite many discussions rising on the Internet, vaccination is a must-have thing for children. However, this process may cause a lot of pitfalls for working parents. This category of parents is no less responsible for the health of their children and part of such treatment is vaccination. Canadian Healthcare Services make sure that working parents follow the recommended guidelines for vaccination of children.
In Canada, everything is very democratic – no one is forcing you to do anything. But on the other hand, there are very high quality drugs, storage and health care as a whole, so the chances of complications are minimal.
The main child’s vaccinations are free. In addition to the main injections all infants and school children get papilloma shots. By the way, all healthcare specialists in Canada receive obligatory vaccinations.
What vaccines should all children have in Canada?
The Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) gives the list of recommendations to working parents who want to vaccinate their children who are over 6 months old.
The list of required vaccines in Canada for children over 6 months old:
- They should have a flu shot each year until 5 years old. The flu shot is completely safe and also strongly advised for pregnant and breastfeeding women;
- Tetanus shots are allowed from 4 years old;
- Pertussis shots;
- Poliomyelitis shots;
- Hib shots;
- Rotavirus shots;
- Mumps vaccinations;
- Measles shots;
- Rubella shots;
- Chickenpox vaccines;
- Pneumococcal conjugate shots;
- Meningococcal conjugate shots;
Bear in mind that contemporary vaccines are very safe and necessary for all children, even if a working parent has another opinion or simply doesn’t have time to deal with a sick child (a common misinterpretation that vaccination are going very smoothly). CPS guarantees that vaccines are totally safe.
Important notice: in some Canadian provinces, children must get 5-in-1 vaccination shots and get an additional hepatitis B shot, in infancy or early adolescence.
In other provinces of Canada children get a 6-in-1 vaccination shot that ultimately guards the children’s health from diphtheria, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis (polio) and hepatitis B.
Peculiarities of child’s vaccinations in Ontario
Working parents who want to release their school-age children from vaccinations not by a medical indication will meet the difficulties on the legal level. The former Ontario Health Minister Eric Hoskins said the proposed new provincial strategy, called Immunization 2020, would improve the results of a government-funded vaccination program with the simple requirement – the working parents who want their children not to be vaccinated should attend a special training meeting.
To do this, they should visit the nearest outpatient clinic and learn about the benefits of vaccination and the “real risk” that their children, who have not been vaccinated, may face every day. Only then the parents will get a permission to refuse vaccine shots.
As Hoskins said, it’s time to update the Ontario Act of 1982, according to which children must be vaccinated against certain diseases before they go to a school, unless they have a vaccination. This law was the first of its kind all over Canada. In addition, a full-fledged education campaign on the benefits of vaccination is planned and an Internet service will be launched that will remind parents of the schedule of vaccinations for their children.
How to keep your child healthy and record the child’s vaccination on time?
In Canada, parents may ask their doctor to provide written records (the so-called vaccination booklet for a monitored child). Working parents can take this booklet with records about their child’s vaccination whenever they need – to a school or hospital. Having such booklet with records is essentially significant, especially when the parents move to another Canadian province or even country. Your child may miss the important vaccinations on a schedule if a new family doctor doesn’t know what vaccines the kid was receiving in a few last years.
The progressive version of a child’s vaccination record booklet is called CANImmunize smartphone app that securely stores all the records about the child’s vaccination visits to a doctor in Canada. The parent can use this app to find out when the new vaccination is scheduled from the governmental Canadian healthcare sources. Both written and electronic tools for keeping the records of child’s vaccinations will save the busy working parents from any bad decisions.